Youth Renewed Ministries (YRM) was started by George Bataringaya in 2006 as a sports ministry and is registered in Rwanda as a Religious Based Organisation (RBO) under the name Youth Renewed Ministries (YRM) since October 2017.
Youth Renewed Ministries (YRM) is a sports related ministry passionate about bringing life and hope to a generation that many say can’t be reached. Renewing is letting that world know that God has changed you.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation ; old things have passed away ; behold, all things have become new.”
At Youth Renewed Ministries we are seeing youth RESTORED, REFRESHED & RENEWED by the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Youth Renewed Ministries is not a traditional church. It is a gathering of YOUTH worshiping God after playing !
Youth to be renewed are from different causes such as school dropouts, street kids, orphans, teenage mums, etc. They come and experience Christ in their lives and enjoy an environment that they feel comfortable in available at Youth Renewed Ministries.
Vision Statement :
Our vision is that every young person in Rwanda will have a chance to know and experience the love of God for them in a practical way through sports.
Mission Statement :
To create a place for every young person in Rwanda, where they will get to know and experience the love of God through sports. A place to flee from the intensiveness of this world, a place where they can be loved, appreciated and where they are not scared to make mistakes. Where they can feel safe and secure, express themselves and grow in the word of God. We want to do this through different activities like fun games, soccer, bible study groups, camps and to have a home for those who are living on the street and want to change.
Goals : Our main goal is to reach out to young people through sport and disciple/train young people to reach out to other young people.
Goals to reach the main goal are :
– We meet with the young people 3 times a week. We do soccer trainings on Monday where after we preach to the young people, bible study groups on Wednesday and play soccer matches on Saturdays where after we preach to the young people.
– We want to reach 30 young people in each meeting, wherefrom 70% are boys and 30% are girls.
– The behaviour change we want to see is change in their habits like to stop using drugs, stealing, prevent sex before marriage and to accept Christ as their saviour. After visiting the ministry we want to see this changed behaviour in 80% of our young people.
How do we do this ?
♦ Praying for teenagers
♦ Going where teenagers are and build personal relationships with them through sports
♦ Buying the right to be heard, through trusted friendship
♦ Learning their language ; get involved in their activities listening to them ; sharing experiences
♦ Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them
♦ Inviting them to respond to the gospel invitation
♦ Loving them regardless of their negative response to the gospel
♦ Helping them to grow in the love of Christ, and the knowledge of the word of God, so that they can be able to share it with others
♦ Helping teenagers to build and develop their talents, especially soccer, basketball, volley to list but a few so that they can be useful members of their communities
♦ Encourage teenagers to get connected to the body of Christ, and be an active member of a local church
♦ Collaborate with people and organizations who share the same vision with us.
Rwandan young people – having a clear understanding of their individual dignity and worth and potential – would become all they were created to be. We will be successful as the young people of Rwanda build healthy relationships with adult role models who coach, guide, equip and encourage them to make wise choices and pursue a life of integrity, sacrifice, generosity, service to others, and a commitment to community. These ends will be met in an atmosphere of genuine welcome and safety and marked with a sense of adventure, fun, and vitality. Young people impacted by this work will have a deep sense of purpose, self-discipline, gratitude, wisdom, and courage. The goal is to equip young people to be leaders who make a difference in every walk of life and every realm of society.
Strategy 1 : MAKING FRIENDS.
This is where we start our strategy of looking for kids, we avail ourselves to where kids like to gather for one reason or the other, and we then make friendship with them, which we late invite them to our sports program
This is the core of our ministry, we invite kids to come and practice sports of their preferences. we create teams/ clubs where they come, learn sports and then after each session we sit and share a message or gospel depending on what is on the schedule of the day.
Some of the young people involved in the activities of stages 1-3 will demonstrate an interest to learn more. Small group meetings – be the 1-on-1 with trained leaders or small groups led by adult facilitators – will create a safe place to ask questions and seek to apply the truths taught and modeled in the other forums to their individual lives. This is where discipleship begins.
While Youth Renewed Ministries anticipates having a small staff, the key ingredient for this work is volunteer leaders who form teams dedicated to going where kids consistently and building these friendships over time. This community support is both the direct involvement of volunteer leaders and the indirect support of others in the community who are like-minded and who support the financially or prayerfully. But community support for Youth Renewed Ministries is not just something we seek to take ; it is something we are called to give. For example, one of the values we teach is generosity, young people involved in our program go out for work service projects such as cleaning, planting trees, and providing tangible help to less fortunate.
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