Drake is 20 years old and he lives on street. He rarely eats and has a very hard life.
He was born in a slum that was recently destroyed by the Rwandan government because of the high crime rate, and the general state of it was much worse than the other slums in Kigali. He is from a family of seven and both of his parents are still living. He had a lot of problems in his childhood with drugs, alcohol, and stealing. He was sponsored to be able to go to school for just a few years but is barely literate. He was always hungry and would sometimes skip school to look for food on the street. He never passed primary school. When they destroyed the slum his family had nowhere to go. His parents left for a village outside of the city. He doesn’t know where all of his siblings are. He stayed in the city in hopes of maybe finding a life. He understood that if he left the city it would be the same helpless situation, but with less opportunity. He lived with his brother until he was fired from his job and left for the Congo.
He still has nowhere to go. He will occasionally get to stay with a friend. He says on a good week he gets to eat maybe twice a week. He is in a very bad time in his life and has no way of getting out. He was saved in 2013, and says that he has a very good relationship with the lord still. He hasn’t struggled with his addictions or stealing in a very long time. He would love to find a job and be able to feed himself. Of course he would love to have a place to live. He would also love to go to vocational school to do construction. His favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 50:7.
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