Diouf is 24 years old, and lives in a house on the edge of a slum in Kigali. He lives with 15 other people and his 2 year old son in a very small house.
He is from a family with 11 kids, and he was number 9. 3 of his siblings are dead, but the rest and his mother are alive. Feeding a family this side is nearly impossible. He grew up in the city, but he was a street kid for many years. He slept and ate from the street from when he was around 8 to around 13. He went to vocational school to become literate. He then went to normal school, but started in primary grade three not one which was really hard due to the lack of background from his younger years of schooling. He failed his test to move on to secondary school. He then began to private school and was able to continue. He worked for his school fees and was able to continue because they weren’t very expensive. The Red Cross began to sponsor him in secondary school and they sponsored him for nearly three years. By then he began attending YoungLife.
The ministry began to support him until he finished secondary school. He is currently waiting on the results of his final exam to see if he passed. He had to walk a very long distance to go to school.
The whole family still has problems with food, clothing, and transport. His mother is very poor and his father passed away only two weeks ago (2.5.15). None of his siblings are able to work enough to attend school or feed themselves. Diouf would love to be able to attend university in hope of getting a job and be able to support his family. He just wishes to be able to help his family since he is now the eldest. His favorite bible verses are Galatians 6:19-24.
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