Carine is 19 years old and lives in a neighborhood called Murwintare, another slum. She specifically lives in a compound filled with women with small children.
Her parents divorced when she was very young and abandoned her. She thinks that she began living on her own when she was just 8 months old. Carine was then raised by her Grandmother. Eating was of course very hard being that the grandmother couldn’t work, and Carine was so young, but she was able to go to school occasionally and was in her final year of primary school. She was 16 years old and got pregnant. When she got pregnant a lot changed in her life. Her grandmother was very angry with her because they couldn’t provide for themselves, and another person to take care of would make the situation much worse. The Father was 18 and lived on the street. He couldn’t afford to take care of himself much less be able to take care of Carine and their son. After she gave birth to Ishimwe her problems of course increased. She struggles with many things. She struggles to have clothes for the baby, and has a hard time feeding the baby, and feeding herself, which goes to the baby. He is very weak, and she is very frail. The grandmother occasionally gets to help her, but work is very hard to find for her.
She has come to the ministry for the past several years. She says that she doesn’t regret any of it because she knows that she cannot change it and has come to accept it. She sometimes wishes that it wouldn’t have happened, but she still loves her son. She occasional will ask the father for some help with his baby, but overall she doesn’t have anything to do with him anymore. She would love to go back to school, but having a child and feeding him while doing that would be too much of a burden. She wishes that her soon would have a bright future, go to school, and be healthy. Her need for help is great. It is the only way that she and her son, Arnold will survive.
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