T-bag is 23 years old and lives in Murwintare, the slums of the Kacyiru neighborhoods. He lives with his great aunt in a very small house.
He was born into a family of three and he is the youngest. His parents died when he was just two years old. His dad died in the war in Burundi, and his mother died of sickness. He says that he and his siblings spread out to whatever family would accept them. They came to Rwanda to live with their uncle. His brother became a Rwandan soldier, but soon left and went back to Burundi. His sister joined him at his uncles and they were able to go to school, but then the uncle couldn’t support them anymore so he took them to his auntie in the village. His sister soon left to find a better life in the city. T-bag was around 16 by this time. His aunt then couldn’t support him and he was forced to go look for another life elsewhere. He was about to start high school, but couldn’t afford to take his final exams to move on. He then approached his great aunt asking for a place to live and they accepted him. He had food, and was able to start school again, but clothing was still an issue. His friends began to urge him to do drugs, and became addicted very quickly. He was addicted for nearly one and half years. He would come to the property to play basketball, and was then invited to come to Young Life. He fell in love with the dancing during club ! After the music stopped everyone sat down and he thought about leaving, but he decided to sit as well. He asked how often they would dance and talk, and he began coming to club once a week. Before Young Life he was always lonely and questioned why he was living. He says that the messages that they were speaking were directed just at him. He learned about God and his power. He was 18 when he accepted Christ. He didn’t feel lonely anymore. He stopped using drugs.
His situation is still hard. He never finished school because the man who was supporting him no longer could support him. He is now a leader at the Kigali Young Life. He would love to become a businessman. To start from scratch and build a company. He just finished plumbing school, and hopes to find work in that area.
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